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国语版 魔发奇缘 公主的配音是谁




梁心颐(Lara Veronin),1988年5月2日出生于美国洛杉矶,中俄混血儿,中国台湾女歌手、演员。2005年作为第二代成员加入南拳妈妈,在《爱情经纪约》中饰演宣梦跳,2010年参演由迪士尼工作室出品的3D动画电影《魔发奇缘》,她给长发公主配音。 2013年结束与杰威尔的合约,与姐姐自立门户开设妹妹娃娃多媒体公司。








2009年被JVR签走单飞,退出南拳妈妈,签给周杰伦的公司?JVR;2010年发行单飞后第一张个人音乐专辑《Hello梁心颐》 。




迪斯尼全新3D动画电影《长发公主》讲述了一个被巫婆关在高塔里的长发女孩逃出去后发生的故事。曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)将为女主角“莴苣”(Rapunzel)配音,扎克瑞·莱维(Zachary Levi)将为男主角配音。另外日本有部恐怖电影也叫《长发公主》。


这是一个讲述我死亡的故事 This is the story of how I died. 别紧张 其实这是个很有趣的故事 Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. 更确切地说 我并不是主角
And the truth is, it isn't even mine. 小偷
This is the story of a girl named, Rapunzel. 故事要从太阳讲起
And it starts, with the sun.
Now, once upon a time, 天空坠落了一抹阳光
a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. 在这抹阳光中
And from this small drop of sun, 开出了一株金色的仙花 grew a magic, golden, flower. 它能治愈百病 抚平创伤
It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured. 看到那边的老婆婆了吗
Oh, you see that old woman, over there? 你最好记住她
You might want to remember her. 她算是个关键人物 She's kind of important. 几个世纪过去了 Well, centuries pass
在那不远的山水间 崛起了一个王国
and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom. 受人爱戴的国王和皇后统治着这片土地
The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen. 皇后就快分娩了
And the Queen, well she was about to have a baby, 可是她病了 but she got sick, 病得很重 really, sick.
She was running out of time.
这时 人们通常期盼着奇迹的降临
And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. 而这个故事里 期盼的是那朵金色的仙花 Or in this case, a magic golden flower. 早说了她很重要吧
Ahhh, I told you she'd be important. 这个女巫格特尔
You see instead of sharing the suns gift, 并没有和别人分享这太阳的馈赠 this woman, Mother Gothel, 而是独占了它的治愈能力 hoarded its healing power
and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. 她要做的只是唱一首特别的歌
And all she had to do, was sing a special song. 仙花闪耀
Flower gleam and glow, 魔力显现
let your power shine 倒转时光
Make the clock reverse, 带回往昔美好
bring back what once was mine. 带回往昔美好 What once was mine. 现在明白了吧
All right, you get the jist.
她一唱歌就变年轻了 很恐怖吧
She sings to it, she turns young, creepy, right? 找到了
We've found it!
The magic of the golden flower, healed the queen. 一个健康的小公主诞生了
A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. 她有一头美丽的金发
With beautiful golden hair. 提醒一下
I'll give you a hint. 她就是瑞普兹 That's Rapunzel. 为了庆祝公主降生 To celebrate her birth,
the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. 那一刻 一切都那么完美
And for that one moment, everything was perfect. 然而美好的时光戛然而止 And then that moment ended. 仙花闪耀
Flower, gleam and glow, 魔力显现
let your powers shine 倒转时光
Make the clock re... Huh! 格特尔闯进了城堡
Gothel broke into the castle,
偷走了公主 就这样 消失了
stole the child, and just like that... gone. 全国上下苦苦寻找公主
The Kingdom searched and searched, 却怎么也找不到
but they could not find the Princess. 而在密林深处
For deep within the forest 一座隐秘的高塔里
In a hidden tower.
格特尔待这个孩子视如己出 Gothel raised the child as her own. 返还吾之所失
... save what has been lost, 带回往昔美好
bring back what once was mine, 往昔美好
what once was mine.
Gothel had found her new magic flower.
But this time she was determined to keep it hidden. 为什么我不能出门


Long ago, a drop of sunlight became a golden flower capable of healing any decay or injury. The flower, used by Mother Gothel to retain her youth, is discovered by soldiers of a nearby kingdom. They use the flower to heal their queen, who soon after gives birth to Princess Rapunzel. Gothel discovers that Rapunzel's hair has the flower's healing properties, but that cutting the hair causes it to lose its magic, so she kidnaps Rapunzel and raises her as her own daughter in an isolated tower. Once a year, the King and Queen release sky lanterns on her birthday, hoping for their daughter's return. Nearing her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to leave the tower and discover the source of the lanterns, but Gothel refuses. Elsewhere, a thief known as Flynn Rider has stolen Rapunzel's crown from the kingdom and inadvertently discovers the tower after ditching his cohorts, the Stabbington brothers. Rapunzel captures Flynn and discovers the crown, but is unaware of its significance. Rapunzel plans to show Flynn to Gothel to prove she can take care of herself, but when Gothel becomes enraged at Rapunzel's desire to leave, she asks for a special paint that will take Gothel three days to obtain. Gothel agrees and departs, and Rapunzel convinces Flynn to escort her to see the lanterns in exchange for the crown.
During their excursion, Flynn takes Rapunzel to the Snuggly Duckling, a pub filled with the frightening people Gothel warned Rapunzel about, but who instead are charmed by Rapunzel's innocence. When the royal soldiers appear, searching for Flynn, the pub regulars help the pair escape. The soldiers give chase, led by Maximus, one of the lead horses in the royal army, and locate them at a dam. The dam is inadvertently breached, and the resulting deluge traps Flynn and Rapunzel in a flooding cave. Fearing this is the end, Flynn reveals his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel starts to reveal her hair glows when she sings, but realizes that is their key to escape as her hair provides enough light to find a way out of the cave. Eugene and Rapunzel take refuge in a forest, where Gothel, now in league with the Stabbingtons, gives the crown to Rapunzel and suggests challenging Eugene's interest in her with it.
The next morning, Maximus finds the pair and tries to capture Eugene, but Rapunzel arranges a truce in honor of her birthday. The group reaches the kingdom and enjoys the festivities, culminating in an evening cruise as the lanterns are released. There, Rapunzel gives Eugene the crown. When he sees the Stabbingtons on the shore, Eugene leaves Rapunzel and intends to let them have the crown. Instead, the brothers tie Eugene onto a boat and confront Rapunzel, claiming Eugene is escaping with the crown. Gothel then stages a rescue by betraying the brothers and returns Rapunzel to the tower as Eugene and the Stabbingtons are arrested by the royal guards.
Back at the tower, Rapunzel realizes that she is the kingdom's long-lost princess and confronts Gothel. As Eugene is being led to his execution, he is rescued by the Snuggly Duckling regulars and taken to Maximus, who carries him back to Gothel's tower. Eugene enters the tower by climbing Rapunzel's hair, where Gothel stabs him with a knife. Rapunzel agrees to lifelong captivity if she is allowed to heal him, but before she has the chance to save him, Eugene cuts off all of Rapunzel's hair turning her hair from golden blonde to brown, destroying its magic. Gothel's age rapidly catches up to her, and she falls from the tower, disintegrating into dust and passes away. As Eugene dies, a heartbroken Rapunzel's tear lands on his cheek and restores his life. The two return to the kingdom, where Rapunzel is reunited with her parents. The kingdom breaks out in celebration and Eugene is pardoned for his crimes. Rapunzel and Eugene eventually marry.